The SonRise Project

Expectations, Hopes and Dreams

Episode Summary

The SonRise Project creator, Kelli Richardson Lawson, her husband Keith and their son Kyle, together with Dr. Linda McGhee continue their discussion. Kyle explains how the high expectations he experienced in high school contributed to his downward spiral into anxiety, depression and addiction. Unbeknownst to both Kyle and his parents, the pressures to achieve and all the hallmarks of success became an increasing source of distress. Kelli and Keith reflect on the pressures they faced as parents. They also look back at the expectations they grew up with which shaped their vision of family. What they discover is that healing for all has meant letting go of expectations, learning to listen to each other and moving towards acceptance. Today the whole family is growing in new directions. Kyle reveals the hopes and dreams he has for his life, including his passion to create music.

Episode Notes

The SonRise Project creator, Kelli Richardson Lawson, her husband Keith and their son Kyle, together with Dr. Linda McGhee continue their discussion. Kyle explains how the high expectations he experienced in high school contributed to his downward spiral into anxiety, depression and addiction. Unbeknownst to both Kyle and his parents, the pressures to achieve and all the hallmarks of success became an increasing source of distress. Kelli and Keith reflect on the pressures they faced as parents. They also look back at the expectations they grew up with which shaped their vision of family. What they discover is that healing for all has meant letting go of expectations, learning to listen to each other and moving towards acceptance. Today the whole family is growing in new directions. Kyle reveals the hopes and dreams he has for his life, including his passion to create music.